The Social Impact Journal
The Social Impact Journal is a podcast talking to changemakers who are driving social impact across the world. In the journal, we aim to share stories, lessons and experiences from our guests to inspire our listeners to begin or continue working towards social impact.
The Social Impact Journal
#47 - The Next Generation of Leaders with Professor Christian Harrison
Date - Monday 15th July 2024
The Social Impact Journal welcomes back Professor Christian Harrison to discuss the future of leadership.
Christian Harrison is a Professor of Leadership and Enterprise in the University of Bolton. Prior, to joining University of Bolton, he was a Reader in Leadership and the Chair of the Staff Forum for Research of the University of the West of Scotland. He graduated with a First-class degree in Pharmacy and practised as a pharmacist, assuming managerial positions before moving into the field of Management. Prof Christian Harrison has an MBA and was the valedictorian of the University of Aberdeen Business school MBA class with a Distinction. In addition, he also possesses a PhD in Leadership and other postgraduate research and teaching qualifications in his repertoire.
Christian is a well-known and recognised scholar in the field of Leadership and works across the globe on research projects. He is very active in teaching modules to undergraduates and postgraduates including MSc, MBA and DBA students. He is also the author of numerous published research papers on Leadership which is his major research interest and serves as the Director of Studies of several PhD and DBA students.
Furthermore, he is an active member of numerous learned organisations such as the British Academy of Management (BAM), International Council for Small Business (ICSB), Higher Education Academy (HEA) etc. and serves on several review panels and committees. He is also an external examiner to other UK universities. He is the Chair of the Leadership and Leadership Development Special Interest Group and the founder and Chair of the African Studies Track of the British Academy of Management and Chair of the Academy for African Studies. He is also the associate editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Business Research and Management and an associate editor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and a Certified Management and Business Educator of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CMBE).
Connect with Christian on Linkedin here:
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